Construction Works Athens, Attica - Petro Santikai - Building Renovations Athens, Attica - Painting Athens, Attica - Plasterboards Athens, Attica

Construction Works Athens, Attica - Petro Santikai - Building Renovations Athens, Attica - Painting Athens, Attica - Plasterboards Athens, Attica

48815 Visitors:
Address: Canary 11 & Papaflessa
Area: Attica
Telephone: 6948180468,2114257136
Mobile: -
P.C.: 12131
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
roofing tiles - thermal facades tiles - home tile renovations tile laminate - plaster laminate - plaster laminate oil paints - refurbishment of a professional oils With our many years of experience we undertake all kinds of construction work in Lamia. Consistently and professionally it provides comprehensive high quality work in the field of construction and competitive prices. For the renovation of your home as well as your business space is the ideal solution with original ideas and...
48815 Visitors:

Canary 11 & Papaflessa, Attica

48815 Visitors:

roofing tiles - thermal facades tiles - home tile renovations
tile laminate - plaster laminate - plaster laminate
oil paints - refurbishment of a professional oils

With our many years of experience we undertake all kinds of construction work in Lamia.

Consistently and professionally it provides comprehensive high quality work in the field of construction and competitive prices.

For the renovation of your home as well as your business space is the ideal solution with original ideas and suggestions to create a space with taste and style.

By keeping up-to-date on new materials and new styles, it will provide you with a diligent job that you will enjoy for many years to come.

Next to you at each stage of the building undertakes:
- renovation of buildings
- paintings of buildings
- plasterboard decorations
- installation of tiles
- building plaster
- buildings
- insulation
- facades
- straps
- Meretia
- building maintenance

Immediate service and competitive prices.
Yours sincerely
Santikai Petros


Petro Sadikaj Lamia Construction, Building Refurbishing Lamia, Painting Contractors Construction Works of all types.
Petro Sadikaj Lamia Construction, Building Refurbishing Lamia, Painting Contractors Renovations of houses, offices, clinics, business premises.
Petro Sadikaj Lamia Construction, Building Refurbishing Lamia, Painting Contractors High quality oil paintings.
Petro Sadikaj Lamia Construction, Building Refurbishing Lamia, Painting Contractors Plasterboard installation.
Petro Sadikaj Lamia Construction, Building Refurbishing Lamia, Painting Contractors False ceilings & Partitions.
48815 Visitors:

Canary 11 & Papaflessa

Telephone: 6948180468,2114257136

Working Hours

08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00